Mycro Application

Part-time work has become a continuing trend among job seekers given the possibility of accepting temporary employment or working on a contract basis. Even those who have little paid work experience can concentrate on their strongest skills and find announcements where they are needed. In this context, everyone can act as an employer because they have simple job duties related to home services, shipping, tutoring, repair work, etc.

Mycro is a project that aims to develop a mobile search portal for job offer placements and job seekers. Mycro will help find job opportunities, find information about potential job tasks, gain access to ranking systems and make mutually beneficial agreements.

Approach to offers and offers to find jobs

By using Mycro dApp job offers and online profiles can be created and placed. Job seekers will be able to see all scheduled work tasks taken with details, such as place and time of work, and payment terms, such as crypto or fiat prizes. Applicant data, in turn, will contain information about skills, assignments and recommendations that were completed previously. Both job seekers and job providers will get access to a reputation system to check their history on the portal.

The position on the list will be affected by the offer. Therefore the ranking will be promoted by a higher bid and only the position listed on the first page will have a great chance to be chosen. Similarly, job duties with the highest wages will be prioritized by job seekers. As with other search engines, Mycro will rank job offers because of their relevance to job seekers, taking into account skills and job requirements. Stakeholders will also be given a bonus by providing recommendations and evaluations about the work they have handled. Mycro dApp will be available for Android and iOS.

Detail ICO

There are many ways to find employers who need your expertise. It is not surprising that when it comes to temporary employment, the employment opportunities provided through acquaintances or agreed upon by approaching entrepreneurs directly are the most effective methods. However, there are a number of local and international online job portals with a strong focus on part-time work. Because short-term work assignments are placed in special market segments, the introduction of cryptocurrency as a means of payment will greatly facilitate the process. From this perspective, we can conclude that building such a platform exclusively on this payment method would be the wrong solution. With this in mind and the fact that fiat payments will also be available, Mycro is another inherent job platform from various other specific job portals.

Services Provided by Mycro

Home Services
Gardening, cleaning, tidying, replacing, small repairs, cleaning windows, washing, ironing, cooking, etc.

Delivery service
Do shopping, driving services, transportation services, shipping services etc.

Virtual Services
Internet research, travel planning, assistance services, clerical work, online surveys.

Skilled Service
Study guidance, photography, modeling work, piano lessons, arranging computers, installing TV, DJs, servants, setting up internet connections etc.

On Mycro the platform has methods for making payments and transactions using Mycro Token (MYO).

Token Details

Token Name - MYO
Price 1 MYO = 0.25 EUR
Bonus - Available
Bounty - Available
Platform - Ethereum
Accepting - ETH
Soft cap - 3,500,000 EUR
Hard cap - 14,000,000 EUR

Bonus Structure
The pre-sale period offers investors a bonus of 30%.

00-15 days or 10.000.000 MYO ––––– 20% Bonus
15-30 days or 12.500.000 MYO ––––– 10% Bonus
30-60 days or 12.500.000 MYO–––––– 5% Bonus

For more information, please visit:

Author: the gaye
Eth: 0x820410Ee0a97e9132aDDBb77c3f35bb3e5115d1e


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