
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2019

Mycro Application

Part-time work has become a continuing trend among job seekers given the possibility of accepting temporary employment or working on a contract basis. Even those who have little paid work experience can concentrate on their strongest skills and find announcements where they are needed. In this context, everyone can act as an employer because they have simple job duties related to home services, shipping, tutoring, repair work, etc. Mycro is a project that aims to develop a mobile search portal for job offer placements and job seekers. Mycro will help find job opportunities, find information about potential job tasks, gain access to ranking systems and make mutually beneficial agreements. Approach to offers and offers to find jobs By using Mycro dApp job offers and online profiles can be created and placed. Job seekers will be able to see all scheduled work tasks taken with details, such as place and time of work, and payment terms, such as crypto or fiat prizes. Appli...

Mycro - Helps complete work with the wishes of Mycro users

About MYCRO MYCRO is an intuitive mobile application. Simple short-time working can be placed for free directly in the MYCRO network. Using well-known intelligent and self-learning algorithms from the dating platform, MYCRO will coordinate these tasks in good time with the right jobseeker. He does the job. One person gets time, another money. When we are children, we all learn in the lower classes, that Humans are social animals and cannot live without society. Working on this concept, our parents and parents there, as well as parents and our previous generation, try their best to give the best they have there, children, because I mean good food, nice clothes, nice house live well so that children can live in a society created by someone who is comfortable and respectful. This thought of comfortable and honorable life is passed down from generation to generation, just like when it started, but we once thought how much suffering and problems experienced to give us that...

MYCRO - Mempermudah pekerjaan dengan waktu yang cepat

Hai bertemu lagi dengan artikel saya kali ini. Anda atau keluarga besar Anda ingin datang tetapi Anda tidak punya waktu atau ingin memperbaiki barang-barang Anda tetapi Anda tidak memiliki keterampilan atau pengetahuan atau bahkan waktu. Di Mycro Anda dapat memposting kebutuhan pekerjaan Anda dengan Micro App yang indah, mereka akan memastikan untuk terhubung dengan anggota komunitas yang dapat membantu Anda dengan cepat. Atau bagi Anda pencari kerja yang ingin melakukan hal-hal itu, Mycro dapat menghubungkan Anda dan penyedia pekerjaan. Ini seperti ide cemerlang yang baru. Mycro menyediakan banyak pekerjaan seperti: Layanan Rumah: (Berkebun, membersihkan, merapikan, mengganti, perbaikan kecil, membersihkan jendela, mencuci, menyeterika, memasak, dll) Layanan Pengiriman: (Melakukan belanja, layanan mengemudi, layanan transportasi, layanan pengiriman dan lain-lain) Layanan Virtual: (Penelitian internet, perencanaan perjalanan, layanan bantuan, pekerjaan administrasi, sur...