Inbot Ambassador
Merhabalar is the Inetoken project, a project that will take away the problems that job seekers or employers have lived for years. The InToken platform aims to enable users to pair with each other with artificial intelligence technology, which makes it a big step in the business world by making the situation less centralized with blockchain technology. After giving information about Inotoken with a brief explanation in the introduction, let's try to better understand the Inotoken project by mentioning the concrete problems of the project in the development section and the reasons for their emergence.
Along with the rapid development of technology, changes also take place in the world. These changes make differences in people's habits. Experiences that people acquire while using past technology are disappearing over time, and almost every inhabitant needs to renew themselves according to technology. It is a necessity to keep up with a kind of developing technology. In the business world, the use of technology has become more widespread. Now the papers filled in with pages and the people who distinguish them are starting to decrease. The InToken platform will keep pace with the technological developments at this point and will now stop unnecessary time wasting paper waste as I mentioned above. Because this InToken platform will automatically match job seekers and job seekers. This match will also be awarded to that person by giving Inotoken.

InToken platform works like this. First of all, you are a member of the platform. If you enter the necessary information, the system will identify you. If you scan the people in your e-mail address and code it to various classes such as workers, engineers and keep this information with the information input by someone who searches job at another time, InToken matches this situation. Matching also gives a token to the contributor. Thus, with this platform, while unemployment is reduced, job seekers around the people are also helping them to get a job and making money by using this platform.

I would like to remind you once again that ico sales are still ongoing for investors wanting to invest. I think that this project will attract your interest, which will make human life easier thanks to its hosted features. You can review the official website and the social media tools. You can find the links for this at the end of the article. In order to follow the project more closely, I would recommend you to follow the social media tools closely and also to read the simple and uncomplicated whitepaper read.
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Author: the gaye
Eth: 0x820410Ee0a97e9132aDDBb77c3f35bb3e5115d1e
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