Sustainable Growth Fitness and Fitness & Sports Centers for everyday people and
professional sportsmen have changed over the last few decades. The more professional sports
and unprofessional sports change with technology, and despite the Fitness & Sport Center
The industry does not always move with the trend of Digital Technology. The Fitness & Sports Center does this
left behind.
FIT envisioned a decentralized Blockchain based data warehouse controlled by members to ensure it
optimal security, portability and personal gain. Blockchain is perfectly transparent
system where customers can use FIT Tokens to pay for membership.
FIT will be a decentralized and revolutionary App for Fitness & Sport Center enthusiasts out there.
FIT will build the next generation of Fitness & Sport Center platform based on blockchain
technology. We strongly believe that blockchain technology has great potential to help
accelerating the Fitness and Sports Industry. So, a reason to use token sales crowd
mechanisms for pre-selling products and financial development as opposed to traditional businesses
Cultural fitness
The culture of fitness is a sociocultural phenomenon that refers to the physical surroundings
exercise. This is usually related to gymnastics culture, such as doing physical exercise at such locations
gymnasiums, health centers and health clubs are popular activities. An international survey found
that more than 27% of the world's adult population attend gyms, and 61% are regular
gymnastics is doing "gym-type" activities.
What is the Sports and Entertainment industry?
Global sports market - total revenue from 2005
until 2017 (in U.S. billion dollars)
These statistics describe the revenue generated at
global sports market from 2005 to 2017
2017, the global sports market is estimated
generating revenues around 91 billion U.S.
dollar. In the same year, revenue from
sports merchandise market in North America
estimated at 14.2 billion U.S. dollars
The Challenges Faced by Fitness & Sport Centers.
One of the lesser known aspects of sport management is the health and fitness industry. Health club
and the gym has a unique set of ethical issues that they face. Many health clubs have high pressure
Sales, which are terms that describe their employees' quota should meet monthly to be maintained
their work. The problem at many of these clubs is that if every employee meets his quota, there will be
too many members to provide services. Another way widely used by this place is getting
members to sign up for a lifetime membership or force them to sign a long contract though
people can stop after a few months.
As the sports industry evolves, there has been a shift in focus towards a more profit-oriented one
approach to doing business. With that shift, as well as a thriving industry, a number emerged
Growing pain accompanied by many new and varied ethical considerations for managers in
industry. FIT will focus on selected ethical issues facing sports centers in the sport industry
Sports Institutions are faced with situations where they do not own the building
they facilitate Almost 60% of Sports and Fitness Institutions hire from landlords
at a high cost per square meter.
The equipment is old and outdated, and it becomes expensive to replace or maintain.
o There is a Fitness & Sport Center that does not have the right management system
assisting them in day-to-day tasks and affordable bookkeeping. Yes, right now
There is a Gimnasium Management software in the market but it also exists
expensive, and most of the time do not meet the correct requirements to manage a
Fitness & Sport Center with daily tasks.
o The right day management system is required for Fitness and Sports
The center has 300 to 1000+ members. This will be from new registration to
invoice and monitoring access to gymnasium.
o Most of the Fitness & Sports Fitness Management software is very complicated to run and
• Sustainability
o The key factor for any and every Fitness & Sport Center is to have good sustainability
communities and their client base they provide their services. Fitness & sports
The current center needs to follow trends and changes in Health and Wellness
When running the Fitness & Sport Center, you should be able to adjust accordingly
the needs of your members Fitness Center & Sports can not just be a place of practice,
and from a management point of view you need to think about innovative concepts
to let your members back every day or at least on a regular basis.
o Often Fitness & Sport Centers provide 1 to 3 year contracts with low monthly rates
who only experienced a particular gymnasium, did not allow members to do so
cancel membership in a particular gym. This is a big downfall for
industry because most of the community members are not interested in such a long term
approval. Potential clients to become members of a particular gymnasium frequently
tricked this contract with a low monthly membership fee. Members often
left misleading as most gymnoses know that at least 70% of new members sign up
will not attend the gym after 3 months.
• Appreciate
o Fitness & Sports Centers should be a place of appreciation not only to achieve a
a certain milestone, but is rewarded for your participation in the sports industry and
become a member of the Fitness & Sport Center.
o And should have a profitable system in place to make members feel that they are
exist and not just by being a member.
Introduction to FIT Token
After all the challenges and statistics are presented, the question arises: What is (1) FIT Token and
how (2) donated Blockchain and Crypto Currency communities.
1. What is FIT Token?
FIT is the first decentralized Fitness and Sport platform, built on the Ethereal network. SUITABLE
Tokens are developed to interfere with Fitness & Sport Industry by developing Smart and Innovative
A concept that suits everyday people in Blockchain.
Fit Token is a decentralized opportunity for blockchain community members to buy membership and
to place an order at Fitness & Sport Entertainment Center from the convenience of their own mobile app
or web-based platform.
The FIT Token App will be a key tool for every Fitness & Sport Center to perform their daily tasks. Fit token
will be an advanced application for the Fitness & Sport Center Management System
which will utilize the Blockchain network.
We strongly believe that blockchain technology has tremendous potential to help accelerate Online
Membership Subscribe to Sports and Entertainment Center.
2. How FIT donated Blockchain and Crypto Currency communities.
FIT will face all the challenges faced by Fitness & Sport Centers and combine them in one solution.
FIT will take all the challenges and make (1) Facilities with enough 2) Tools and userfriendly appropriate
3) Application management that is 4) Sustainable and 5) Respect good Blockchain
community and gym & sports.
• Facility - FIT is looking for 20-30 FIT Centers worldwide setup within the next 2 years
and will look for applications from members in the blockchain community.
• Equipment - Each FIT Center will be equipped with the correct equipment
art equipment
• Management System - FIT App will be used and adopted in every FIT Center.
Community members and community Blockchain will be able to register, order
session or buy membership from FIT Center. Token Holders can use it
platform to swap their Tokens FIT. The FIT app will also be rolled out to the others
Fitness & Sport Center that has adopted the concept of decentralization and tokenise
Fitness and Sports Industry.
• Sustainability -FIT creates a reliable and reliable industry using Blockchain.
• Appreciate - The Blockchain community will have the opportunity to receive awards
FIT Tokens The more they visit the FIT Center, the more tokens they can accumulate to use
in the FIT token center or any other Center that uses the FIT App.
Introduction to Perfect FIT Center
A perfect FIT center will contain the following attributes.
• Gym: This is a safe facility to train all the muscles with the equipment provided by the sport
center and accommodate all the training. With the best equipment you can get. Various kinds of
training classes, from classics such as Yoga and Zumba sessions to LES MILLS ™ HIIT such as GRIT
• Sports Room: - suitable for various sports, or
for the event of your choice
• Multi Activity Room: These rooms may be
Used for everything from martial arts to formal
business meetings, or why not combine
• Trampoline Park: Already famous for
fun under the young and young
Adult Trampolines offer a pleasant physical fitness
for children, the opportunity to move their bodies and
sport without them knowing it!
• Cross fit: This is a fitness regimen that promotes physical fitness as well as a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise is there from weightlifting, pliometric, powerlifting, gymnastics and more
practice it
• Parkour: This activity is a training discipline by using a growing movement of
training of military obstacles. Parkour includes running, climbing, jumping, rolling,
swinging and many other movements. This activity allows the human mind
Annalize surrounding and to discover new ways to explore the surroundings.
• Open gym: This is a perfect training facility for self-aware participants. This
Give participants the tools needed to train and be fit.
• International Sports Action: This is a combination of different types of sports with a
smaller than ordinary athlete groups or women who compete with each other in a
• Medical Center: A center with high quality care for all injured athletes
on their own and in need of medical help from Physiotherapy, Sports Therapy and Bio
• Restaurant: The restaurant is trying to provide fresh food for its customers, good
service and a warm and friendly environment.
• Conference facilities: Upscale conference rooms to use, for all your sports
related meetings and conferences
Usefulness of APP FIT
What will make FIT APP unique to users at FIT Centers.
• FIT Membership: All FIT centers will be able to receive membership on a monthly or long term basis
membership. The difference with Membership FIT Center is its members
able to sell the remaining membership on the FIT Platform.
• FIT Day Visitors: APP FIT will allow ticket ticket sales for other sports entertainment
which are provided at the FIT Center such as Trampoline Parks and Ninja Park.
• FIT Center Management System: FIT Application Management System will be provided at
there is no fee for FIT Zones and FIT Zones to manage daily tasks.
• FIT Exchange: Token Holders can sell / swap their tokens on App FIT to buy
• FIT Private Trainer: The FIT app will allow the Personal Trainer to advertise it
service to FIT Member of FIT Center and FIT Zone.
Why Invest in a FIT Token?
Decentralized system
FIT Token will be a completely decentralized platform and will take advantage of existing ones
blockchain application All user data will be stored in the blockchain as a result of the FIT token holder
no need to worry about the privacy of their digital assets.
Maintaining security and privacy while building a multi-use platform is essential. This is the number
one requirement for FIT Token. For users, the first basic step is FIT Tokens will only retrieve data
it is absolutely necessary for the platform to work. The Wallet address is anonymous and
FIT Tokens intends to keep it that way. We ensure that users have full control over both data
and privacy account.
No transaction fees
Transactions involving a third party such as a Bank or a stock exchange can be a more expensive cost and time
taking. Tokens FIT, on the other hand, is based on a distributed blockchain-based technology
requires the user to keep the FIT Tokens client server running and connected to another node. In this way, it is
allows users to contribute to the network and take participation in transaction authorization. In
simple words, each transaction does not care about its value and where it happens, is
approved after the complete participation of each user connected to the network. In this way as a whole
transaction costs are shared, and individually the price is almost no user.
Security has never been such a sensitive issue. To prevent hacks and data leaks there a
the number of steps a FIT Platform user can take to minimize the likelihood of the situation occurring. FIT app
has the advantage of the general availability of blockchain, which is safe and supplies us
the correct and stored data
There is no third party irritation
Being a decentralized technology with many copies of an excessive database of transactions, no one
can seize your FIT Token. Thus, neither the government nor the higher authorities can freeze
a person's wealth, which allows FIT Tokens holders to have complete freedom to do whatever they want
with their money
Without taxes
As a peer to peer payment system, FIT Tokens transactions do not involve third parties
intercept FIT Tokens transaction s. Thus, it is impossible for a person to apply taxes
system on the FIT Token, allowing users to enjoy the transfer of their digital assets instantly
without any cost
High speed
No matter how many FIT Token will be sent, in seconds the user can transfer his FIT Token
from one end of the world to another.
Anonymity and Privacy
Unless the user publishes his wallet for a public address, nobody can trace the transaction back to them. That
The system does not allow anyone other than the owner of the wallet to know how many FIT Tokens are located on
purse. Even if a wallet's address is published, a new wallet address can be easily created. This
greatly enhances privacy when compared to traditional currency systems, where third parties
potentially have access to personal financial data.
Minimal Risk
When compared with traditional currencies that rely on centralized authority for publication
A new note or control of its value, FIT Tokens is a decentralized currency with minimal risk of failure.
Because of its total fixed amount of production, the FIT Token value will not be affected by inflation or
The total collapse of the currency
Bringing significant amounts of money is an impractical task that often involves the risk of theft and loss,
because of which people prefer other currencies. Then there is the factor of paper money taking
sufficient space is also Token FIT, on the other hand, is designed in such a way that it remains portable and
allowing us to bring digital assistance worth millions of dollars in micro-SD cards.
Mobile Apps
The FIT app will be available for download on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. All features
Available on web platforms also exist in both mobile applications.
Both versions are compatible with push notifications so you receive updates directly to your account
phone in real time
Receipt or Use of FIT Tokens
Unlike other Cryptocurrencies, FIT Tokens will be accepted in all places where people can think
have physical health activity. We are in negotiation with a reputable fitness center
restaurants, gymnasiums, clubs, healthy food chains, mega shopping malls and online shopping
Here is a short list of benefits you get with FIT Tokens:
• Once the FIT Token is registered, you will have the facility to use FIT Tokens such as your VISA
card to buy anything related to fitness and that too without having to worry
surcharges from banks etc.
• In addition, as part of the FIT Platform, your digital assets can be used for all
transitions such as purchases, sales etc.
• FIT Tokens will be supported and accepted by the fitness industry globally.
• We are supported in the Entertainment and Fitness Industry and they will receive payment
FIT Tokens as well.
• FIT Tokens is accepted as a membership fee for leading fitness centers worldwide.
• FIT Tokens may be accepted as payment for in-app purchases at leading app stores
The benefits you get by investing in FIT Tokens
• All token holders purchase FIT Tokens at a very low price during the Crowd
Sell I.e. Pre-Sale and ICO will have a big advantage as FIT tokens are listed in major
exchange platform Once Fit Token is registered, its value is expected to increase miscellaneously
folds so as to put the initial investor / token holder on a huge profit.
• Token Holders can place their FIT Tokens on the FIT Exchange App for sale.
Token Fit holders will be able to place their tokens in the integrated App Fit Exchange, and
Thus, exchange their tokens to earn money by a matter of seconds and that too at a minimal cost.
• Buy FIT Token.
• Pay for membership or book a place at FIT App
The token holder will be able to place an order in the FIT application or pay membership dues
gym or sports center using their FIT Token.
All orders and memberships will be made through App FIT. Thus, allowing a request for a Token Sale
in App FIT and Exchange App. The FIT Token will be launched on the Exchange platform
before opening the FIT Center.
How to Contribute Funding FIT Token?
You can contribute and become part of our ever-expanding community in many ways. Before launch
full version of FIT Fitness Platform and FIT Tokens, we will launch two
the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) stage for fundraising.
Here is a detailed explanation of how to get involved with FIT Token.
FIT Tokens will launch its own ICO (Initial Coin Offering) on November 24, 2017. ICO
the period will continue until January 24, 2018 after which the token sale will be locked. Locks token sales
will ensure FIT Tokens may not be devalued due to inflation.
Our ICO is a fundraising campaign based on the Smart Ethereum Contract. To participate in
Your ICO must have a crypto currency coin, which you will use to purchase our token.
Here is a brief overview of ICO Parameters:
ICO parameters
The total inventory of Token will be limited by 400,000 FIT
Amount to be raised
- Minimum: 3500 ETH
- Expected: 45 000 ETH
- Maximum: 300 000 ETH
Token FIT - Sale Token in Pre ICO Sale
Our Pre-ICO will start on October 30, 2017 and will take approximately 4 weeks to 30
2017. In Pre ICO sales, we will sell about 10% of the total amount created
12, 500,000 Tokens for $ 0.10 per FIT.
Fund Allocation During Pre ICO Sale
Funds allocated during Pre-ICO will be used for marketing and development purposes. SUITABLE
Coins will spend large amounts for marketing purposes and will implement long term
marketing plan by planning some digital marketing approach such as banner ads, press
releases, signature campaigns and social media.
ICO FIT Token Utama
At this stage, we plan to launch a major ICO to raise funds and conduct
immediately exchange FIT Tokens from your contribution. The total inventory of Token will be limited by
400, 000, 000 FIT eg 400 Million FIT.
➢ People who want to use or donate to support the new FIT Token will participate in
crowdfund by sending FIT Tokens to the project address.
➢ At the end of ICO Utama, each participant will receive the appropriate FIT Token
the amount of ether or its value in US dollars they donate. More and more FIT
The token raised at crowdfund, the more important each sign.
➢ After the crowdfund ends, the token will be traded on various exchanges where the value is
will be determined by supply and demand.
➢ Tokens are then sold to provide funds for investment in future project growth,
pay team members for their development efforts, and to promote this project further
mentioned in Pre ICO.
Google Translate for Business: Translator ToolkitWebsite Translator
➢ We use key concepts such as cap, floor, escrow, audit, bonus, and incentive to protect
crowdfund participants from unscrupulous projects, and avoid FIT tokens from inflation.
Furthermore, implementation of this rule will ensure that people try to cheat Fit
Token Token Token Token token holders with difficulty still unsuccessful and tokennya
holders are rewarded to show enthusiasm for the project. Hard lid values are maintained
as a 100 Million Fit Token.
If you have no spare money to invest or want to do more than just help us financially there
is another way to contribute.
Post about us in your current social media account and let people know what we're doing. If you a
Reported or reporter wrote a newspaper publication about us. We are always happy to give
interview and tell us about our causes. Next, you can be our team ambassador in your area and
Help us market these social goals that are meant to reward everyone. You can also help us by being our beginnings
users and convince your inner (friends and family) and outsiders (distant relatives) to join us
Join Our Team
There is always work you can do. If you are interested in helping us, write to us, and tell you
Can and how you can help us. For the work you do. we will pay you with our proof and at
In the future, you may find permanent jobs in our organization.
Token Distribution
1. 200,000 FIT or 50% of the total amount will be sold to participants crowdsale. This
including tokens available during pre-sales and sales primary sales.
2. 75,000 000 FIT or 20% of the total amount will be issued to develop the Platform and
provide incentives to key stakeholders, promote the Platform and reward the initial adapters. Subject to key
down period.
3. 75,000 000 FIT or 20% of the total amount will be used Marketing, Advisors and Owners.
4. 50,000 000 FIT or 10% allocated to Rewards for platform users.
Token Sales Structure
Wallet for contributions: BTC, ET, DASH, ZCASH, WAVES
Pre-sales: 10% = 12 500 000 pre-sale tokens at $ 0.10
Stage 1: 25 000000 FIT Token @ $ 0.20 per token (0.00075 ETH)
Stage 2: 25 000000 FIT Token @ $ 0.25 per token (0.00095 ETH)
Stage 3: 25,000 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.30 per token (0.001 ETH)
Stage 4: 25,000 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.35 per token (0.0013 ETH)
Stage 5: 42 500 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.40 per token (0.0015 ETH)
Stage 6: 42 500 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.50 per token (0.0019 ETH)
Bounty: A gift will be launched to refer and sell FIT Tokens. 20% will be added to
participation of gifts.
Minimum token FIT to buy in Pre-sale: 3000 FIT
Dividend Token
All early adopters who buy tokens will receive a 20% bonus from a number of tokens
purchased privately, and will be delivered to their FIT Platform when it becomes functional.

Sustainable Growth Fitness and Fitness & Sports Centers for everyday people and
professional sportsmen have changed over the last few decades. The more professional sports
and unprofessional sports change with technology, and despite the Fitness & Sport Center
The industry does not always move with the trend of Digital Technology. The Fitness & Sports Center does this
left behind.
FIT envisioned a decentralized Blockchain based data warehouse controlled by members to ensure it
optimal security, portability and personal gain. Blockchain is perfectly transparent
system where customers can use FIT Tokens to pay for membership.
FIT will be a decentralized and revolutionary App for Fitness & Sport Center enthusiasts out there.
FIT will build the next generation of Fitness & Sport Center platform based on blockchain
technology. We strongly believe that blockchain technology has great potential to help
accelerating the Fitness and Sports Industry. So, a reason to use token sales crowd
mechanisms for pre-selling products and financial development as opposed to traditional businesses
Cultural fitness
The culture of fitness is a sociocultural phenomenon that refers to the physical surroundings
exercise. This is usually related to gymnastics culture, such as doing physical exercise at such locations
gymnasiums, health centers and health clubs are popular activities. An international survey found
that more than 27% of the world's adult population attend gyms, and 61% are regular
gymnastics is doing "gym-type" activities.
What is the Sports and Entertainment industry?
Global sports market - total revenue from 2005
until 2017 (in U.S. billion dollars)
These statistics describe the revenue generated at
global sports market from 2005 to 2017
2017, the global sports market is estimated
generating revenues around 91 billion U.S.
dollar. In the same year, revenue from
sports merchandise market in North America
estimated at 14.2 billion U.S. dollars

One of the lesser known aspects of sport management is the health and fitness industry. Health club
and the gym has a unique set of ethical issues that they face. Many health clubs have high pressure
Sales, which are terms that describe their employees' quota should meet monthly to be maintained
their work. The problem at many of these clubs is that if every employee meets his quota, there will be
too many members to provide services. Another way widely used by this place is getting
members to sign up for a lifetime membership or force them to sign a long contract though
people can stop after a few months.
As the sports industry evolves, there has been a shift in focus towards a more profit-oriented one
approach to doing business. With that shift, as well as a thriving industry, a number emerged
Growing pain accompanied by many new and varied ethical considerations for managers in
industry. FIT will focus on selected ethical issues facing sports centers in the sport industry
Sports Institutions are faced with situations where they do not own the building
they facilitate Almost 60% of Sports and Fitness Institutions hire from landlords
at a high cost per square meter.
The equipment is old and outdated, and it becomes expensive to replace or maintain.
o There is a Fitness & Sport Center that does not have the right management system
assisting them in day-to-day tasks and affordable bookkeeping. Yes, right now
There is a Gimnasium Management software in the market but it also exists
expensive, and most of the time do not meet the correct requirements to manage a
Fitness & Sport Center with daily tasks.
o The right day management system is required for Fitness and Sports
The center has 300 to 1000+ members. This will be from new registration to
invoice and monitoring access to gymnasium.
o Most of the Fitness & Sports Fitness Management software is very complicated to run and
• Sustainability
o The key factor for any and every Fitness & Sport Center is to have good sustainability
communities and their client base they provide their services. Fitness & sports
The current center needs to follow trends and changes in Health and Wellness
When running the Fitness & Sport Center, you should be able to adjust accordingly
the needs of your members Fitness Center & Sports can not just be a place of practice,
and from a management point of view you need to think about innovative concepts
to let your members back every day or at least on a regular basis.
o Often Fitness & Sport Centers provide 1 to 3 year contracts with low monthly rates
who only experienced a particular gymnasium, did not allow members to do so
cancel membership in a particular gym. This is a big downfall for
industry because most of the community members are not interested in such a long term
approval. Potential clients to become members of a particular gymnasium frequently
tricked this contract with a low monthly membership fee. Members often
left misleading as most gymnoses know that at least 70% of new members sign up
will not attend the gym after 3 months.
• Appreciate
o Fitness & Sports Centers should be a place of appreciation not only to achieve a
a certain milestone, but is rewarded for your participation in the sports industry and
become a member of the Fitness & Sport Center.
o And should have a profitable system in place to make members feel that they are
exist and not just by being a member.
Introduction to FIT Token
After all the challenges and statistics are presented, the question arises: What is (1) FIT Token and
how (2) donated Blockchain and Crypto Currency communities.
1. What is FIT Token?
FIT is the first decentralized Fitness and Sport platform, built on the Ethereal network. SUITABLE
Tokens are developed to interfere with Fitness & Sport Industry by developing Smart and Innovative
A concept that suits everyday people in Blockchain.
Fit Token is a decentralized opportunity for blockchain community members to buy membership and
to place an order at Fitness & Sport Entertainment Center from the convenience of their own mobile app
or web-based platform.
The FIT Token App will be a key tool for every Fitness & Sport Center to perform their daily tasks. Fit token
will be an advanced application for the Fitness & Sport Center Management System
which will utilize the Blockchain network.
We strongly believe that blockchain technology has tremendous potential to help accelerate Online
Membership Subscribe to Sports and Entertainment Center.
2. How FIT donated Blockchain and Crypto Currency communities.
FIT will face all the challenges faced by Fitness & Sport Centers and combine them in one solution.
FIT will take all the challenges and make (1) Facilities with enough 2) Tools and userfriendly appropriate
3) Application management that is 4) Sustainable and 5) Respect good Blockchain
community and gym & sports.
• Facility - FIT is looking for 20-30 FIT Centers worldwide setup within the next 2 years
and will look for applications from members in the blockchain community.
• Equipment - Each FIT Center will be equipped with the correct equipment
art equipment
• Management System - FIT App will be used and adopted in every FIT Center.
Community members and community Blockchain will be able to register, order
session or buy membership from FIT Center. Token Holders can use it
platform to swap their Tokens FIT. The FIT app will also be rolled out to the others
Fitness & Sport Center that has adopted the concept of decentralization and tokenise
Fitness and Sports Industry.
• Sustainability -FIT creates a reliable and reliable industry using Blockchain.
• Appreciate - The Blockchain community will have the opportunity to receive awards
FIT Tokens The more they visit the FIT Center, the more tokens they can accumulate to use
in the FIT token center or any other Center that uses the FIT App.
Introduction to Perfect FIT Center
A perfect FIT center will contain the following attributes.
• Gym: This is a safe facility to train all the muscles with the equipment provided by the sport
center and accommodate all the training. With the best equipment you can get. Various kinds of
training classes, from classics such as Yoga and Zumba sessions to LES MILLS ™ HIIT such as GRIT
• Sports Room: - suitable for various sports, or
for the event of your choice
• Multi Activity Room: These rooms may be
Used for everything from martial arts to formal
business meetings, or why not combine
• Trampoline Park: Already famous for
fun under the young and young
Adult Trampolines offer a pleasant physical fitness
for children, the opportunity to move their bodies and
sport without them knowing it!
• Cross fit: This is a fitness regimen that promotes physical fitness as well as a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise is there from weightlifting, pliometric, powerlifting, gymnastics and more
practice it
• Parkour: This activity is a training discipline by using a growing movement of
training of military obstacles. Parkour includes running, climbing, jumping, rolling,
swinging and many other movements. This activity allows the human mind
Annalize surrounding and to discover new ways to explore the surroundings.
• Open gym: This is a perfect training facility for self-aware participants. This
Give participants the tools needed to train and be fit.
• International Sports Action: This is a combination of different types of sports with a
smaller than ordinary athlete groups or women who compete with each other in a
• Medical Center: A center with high quality care for all injured athletes
on their own and in need of medical help from Physiotherapy, Sports Therapy and Bio
• Restaurant: The restaurant is trying to provide fresh food for its customers, good
service and a warm and friendly environment.
• Conference facilities: Upscale conference rooms to use, for all your sports
related meetings and conferences

What will make FIT APP unique to users at FIT Centers.
• FIT Membership: All FIT centers will be able to receive membership on a monthly or long term basis
membership. The difference with Membership FIT Center is its members
able to sell the remaining membership on the FIT Platform.
• FIT Day Visitors: APP FIT will allow ticket ticket sales for other sports entertainment
which are provided at the FIT Center such as Trampoline Parks and Ninja Park.
• FIT Center Management System: FIT Application Management System will be provided at
there is no fee for FIT Zones and FIT Zones to manage daily tasks.
• FIT Exchange: Token Holders can sell / swap their tokens on App FIT to buy
• FIT Private Trainer: The FIT app will allow the Personal Trainer to advertise it
service to FIT Member of FIT Center and FIT Zone.
Why Invest in a FIT Token?
Decentralized system
FIT Token will be a completely decentralized platform and will take advantage of existing ones
blockchain application All user data will be stored in the blockchain as a result of the FIT token holder
no need to worry about the privacy of their digital assets.
Maintaining security and privacy while building a multi-use platform is essential. This is the number
one requirement for FIT Token. For users, the first basic step is FIT Tokens will only retrieve data
it is absolutely necessary for the platform to work. The Wallet address is anonymous and
FIT Tokens intends to keep it that way. We ensure that users have full control over both data
and privacy account.
No transaction fees
Transactions involving a third party such as a Bank or a stock exchange can be a more expensive cost and time
taking. Tokens FIT, on the other hand, is based on a distributed blockchain-based technology
requires the user to keep the FIT Tokens client server running and connected to another node. In this way, it is
allows users to contribute to the network and take participation in transaction authorization. In
simple words, each transaction does not care about its value and where it happens, is
approved after the complete participation of each user connected to the network. In this way as a whole
transaction costs are shared, and individually the price is almost no user.
Security has never been such a sensitive issue. To prevent hacks and data leaks there a
the number of steps a FIT Platform user can take to minimize the likelihood of the situation occurring. FIT app
has the advantage of the general availability of blockchain, which is safe and supplies us
the correct and stored data
There is no third party irritation
Being a decentralized technology with many copies of an excessive database of transactions, no one
can seize your FIT Token. Thus, neither the government nor the higher authorities can freeze
a person's wealth, which allows FIT Tokens holders to have complete freedom to do whatever they want
with their money
Without taxes
As a peer to peer payment system, FIT Tokens transactions do not involve third parties
intercept FIT Tokens transaction s. Thus, it is impossible for a person to apply taxes
system on the FIT Token, allowing users to enjoy the transfer of their digital assets instantly
without any cost
High speed
No matter how many FIT Token will be sent, in seconds the user can transfer his FIT Token
from one end of the world to another.
Anonymity and Privacy
Unless the user publishes his wallet for a public address, nobody can trace the transaction back to them. That
The system does not allow anyone other than the owner of the wallet to know how many FIT Tokens are located on
purse. Even if a wallet's address is published, a new wallet address can be easily created. This
greatly enhances privacy when compared to traditional currency systems, where third parties
potentially have access to personal financial data.
Minimal Risk
When compared with traditional currencies that rely on centralized authority for publication
A new note or control of its value, FIT Tokens is a decentralized currency with minimal risk of failure.
Because of its total fixed amount of production, the FIT Token value will not be affected by inflation or
The total collapse of the currency
Bringing significant amounts of money is an impractical task that often involves the risk of theft and loss,
because of which people prefer other currencies. Then there is the factor of paper money taking
sufficient space is also Token FIT, on the other hand, is designed in such a way that it remains portable and
allowing us to bring digital assistance worth millions of dollars in micro-SD cards.
Mobile Apps
The FIT app will be available for download on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. All features
Available on web platforms also exist in both mobile applications.
Both versions are compatible with push notifications so you receive updates directly to your account
phone in real time
Receipt or Use of FIT Tokens
Unlike other Cryptocurrencies, FIT Tokens will be accepted in all places where people can think
have physical health activity. We are in negotiation with a reputable fitness center
restaurants, gymnasiums, clubs, healthy food chains, mega shopping malls and online shopping
Here is a short list of benefits you get with FIT Tokens:
• Once the FIT Token is registered, you will have the facility to use FIT Tokens such as your VISA
card to buy anything related to fitness and that too without having to worry
surcharges from banks etc.
• In addition, as part of the FIT Platform, your digital assets can be used for all
transitions such as purchases, sales etc.
• FIT Tokens will be supported and accepted by the fitness industry globally.
• We are supported in the Entertainment and Fitness Industry and they will receive payment
FIT Tokens as well.
• FIT Tokens is accepted as a membership fee for leading fitness centers worldwide.
• FIT Tokens may be accepted as payment for in-app purchases at leading app stores
The benefits you get by investing in FIT Tokens
• All token holders purchase FIT Tokens at a very low price during the Crowd
Sell I.e. Pre-Sale and ICO will have a big advantage as FIT tokens are listed in major
exchange platform Once Fit Token is registered, its value is expected to increase miscellaneously
folds so as to put the initial investor / token holder on a huge profit.
• Token Holders can place their FIT Tokens on the FIT Exchange App for sale.
Token Fit holders will be able to place their tokens in the integrated App Fit Exchange, and
Thus, exchange their tokens to earn money by a matter of seconds and that too at a minimal cost.
• Buy FIT Token.
• Pay for membership or book a place at FIT App
The token holder will be able to place an order in the FIT application or pay membership dues
gym or sports center using their FIT Token.
All orders and memberships will be made through App FIT. Thus, allowing a request for a Token Sale
in App FIT and Exchange App. The FIT Token will be launched on the Exchange platform
before opening the FIT Center.
How to Contribute Funding FIT Token?
You can contribute and become part of our ever-expanding community in many ways. Before launch
full version of FIT Fitness Platform and FIT Tokens, we will launch two
the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) stage for fundraising.
Here is a detailed explanation of how to get involved with FIT Token.
FIT Tokens will launch its own ICO (Initial Coin Offering) on November 24, 2017. ICO
the period will continue until January 24, 2018 after which the token sale will be locked. Locks token sales
will ensure FIT Tokens may not be devalued due to inflation.
Our ICO is a fundraising campaign based on the Smart Ethereum Contract. To participate in
Your ICO must have a crypto currency coin, which you will use to purchase our token.
Here is a brief overview of ICO Parameters:
ICO parameters
The total inventory of Token will be limited by 400,000 FIT
Amount to be raised
- Minimum: 3500 ETH
- Expected: 45 000 ETH
- Maximum: 300 000 ETH
Token FIT - Sale Token in Pre ICO Sale
Our Pre-ICO will start on October 30, 2017 and will take approximately 4 weeks to 30
2017. In Pre ICO sales, we will sell about 10% of the total amount created
12, 500,000 Tokens for $ 0.10 per FIT.
Fund Allocation During Pre ICO Sale
Funds allocated during Pre-ICO will be used for marketing and development purposes. SUITABLE
Coins will spend large amounts for marketing purposes and will implement long term
marketing plan by planning some digital marketing approach such as banner ads, press
releases, signature campaigns and social media.
ICO FIT Token Utama
At this stage, we plan to launch a major ICO to raise funds and conduct
immediately exchange FIT Tokens from your contribution. The total inventory of Token will be limited by
400, 000, 000 FIT eg 400 Million FIT.
➢ People who want to use or donate to support the new FIT Token will participate in
crowdfund by sending FIT Tokens to the project address.
➢ At the end of ICO Utama, each participant will receive the appropriate FIT Token
the amount of ether or its value in US dollars they donate. More and more FIT
The token raised at crowdfund, the more important each sign.
➢ After the crowdfund ends, the token will be traded on various exchanges where the value is
will be determined by supply and demand.
➢ Tokens are then sold to provide funds for investment in future project growth,
pay team members for their development efforts, and to promote this project further
mentioned in Pre ICO.
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➢ We use key concepts such as cap, floor, escrow, audit, bonus, and incentive to protect
crowdfund participants from unscrupulous projects, and avoid FIT tokens from inflation.
Furthermore, implementation of this rule will ensure that people try to cheat Fit
Token Token Token Token token holders with difficulty still unsuccessful and tokennya
holders are rewarded to show enthusiasm for the project. Hard lid values are maintained
as a 100 Million Fit Token.
If you have no spare money to invest or want to do more than just help us financially there
is another way to contribute.
Post about us in your current social media account and let people know what we're doing. If you a
Reported or reporter wrote a newspaper publication about us. We are always happy to give
interview and tell us about our causes. Next, you can be our team ambassador in your area and
Help us market these social goals that are meant to reward everyone. You can also help us by being our beginnings
users and convince your inner (friends and family) and outsiders (distant relatives) to join us
Join Our Team
There is always work you can do. If you are interested in helping us, write to us, and tell you
Can and how you can help us. For the work you do. we will pay you with our proof and at
In the future, you may find permanent jobs in our organization.
Token Distribution
1. 200,000 FIT or 50% of the total amount will be sold to participants crowdsale. This
including tokens available during pre-sales and sales primary sales.
2. 75,000 000 FIT or 20% of the total amount will be issued to develop the Platform and
provide incentives to key stakeholders, promote the Platform and reward the initial adapters. Subject to key
down period.
3. 75,000 000 FIT or 20% of the total amount will be used Marketing, Advisors and Owners.
4. 50,000 000 FIT or 10% allocated to Rewards for platform users.

Wallet for contributions: BTC, ET, DASH, ZCASH, WAVES
Pre-sales: 10% = 12 500 000 pre-sale tokens at $ 0.10
Stage 1: 25 000000 FIT Token @ $ 0.20 per token (0.00075 ETH)
Stage 2: 25 000000 FIT Token @ $ 0.25 per token (0.00095 ETH)
Stage 3: 25,000 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.30 per token (0.001 ETH)
Stage 4: 25,000 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.35 per token (0.0013 ETH)
Stage 5: 42 500 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.40 per token (0.0015 ETH)
Stage 6: 42 500 000 FIT Token @ $ 0.50 per token (0.0019 ETH)
Bounty: A gift will be launched to refer and sell FIT Tokens. 20% will be added to
participation of gifts.
Minimum token FIT to buy in Pre-sale: 3000 FIT

All early adopters who buy tokens will receive a 20% bonus from a number of tokens
purchased privately, and will be delivered to their FIT Platform when it becomes functional.

Videos :
more detail information:
Author : the gaye
Bitcointalk :;u=1305050
My wallet : 0x820410Ee0a97e9132aDDBb77c3f35bb3e5115d1e
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