Mycro - Solution to your time and work becomes more valuable

Today I want to introduce you to the interesting, innovative project MYCRO JOBS “Time is money”, we say. But how often do we not have enough time for simple human joys, be it relaxing with friends or tomfoolery with children, traveling or gardening. And how often do we not have enough money for these joys? How to combine time and money without forgetting about yourself? This is where MYCRO JOBS comes to the rescue. MYCRO is a mobile application that is intuitive to use. Simple work on a short-term basis can be posted directly to the MYCRO network for free. With the help of intelligent and self-learning algorithms, known from the dating of platforms, MYCRO matches these tasks exactly in time with the right jobber. He or she does the work. One person gets time, other money. Time unites us all, regardless of our origin or social rank. Time is limited. Time of course. We can not return or extend the time. In the modern world, our time is mainly cont...